Break The Ice

Break The Ice

Dear BCOS Members,

Please visit the gallery page for our 14th August 2018 event photos!

Once again, the Admins would like to thank everyone who’d participate in this event. It was indeed a fun night and great to see everyone mingling around. We truly appreciate everyone’s help in making this event a successful one.

We are also glad to announce that currently we have 71 Registered Members!

Memberships at $50 per annum entitles members benefits and event participation to the Registered Members only.
Membership runs from 1st September to 31st August of that year.

If you are keen to join our Club, Please click HERE to register

From Admins,
Alexis Adrian Chua, Aidan Khoo, Alson Toh, James Teo, Tng Sze Yang

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